Garry Bratland
Dancing Up a Storm
Brian Gregg-Smithies Concert
Smitties Concert
Darol Turnquist, Elaine Stranger, Elaine Pallister, Larry Krumpitz
Darryl Peterson Blowing up the Balloons at the Dollar Store
Darryl Peterson
Dennis Rosenthal, Laura Rosenthal, Brian Gathercole
Diane Lorimer & Duane Warnke
Don Sutherland, Francesca Blackstock
Donna Baker, Dawn Jevne, Garry Bratland, Nels Jevne, Barb Shackleton
Donna Gavel & Dorothy Dietelbach
Our Emcee
Our Reunion Committee
Doug & Judy (Jackson) Hare
Peggy Bauer
Peter (Schmitz) Williams, ___________, Ralph Schmitz
Doug & Judy Hare and Valorie Stoutenberg
Doug Hare, Larry Schatschneider & Jack Brown
Elaine Pallister, Brenda Thibault
Elaine Pallister, Garry Dewald, Pam Loftus - friendships renewed
Emmie Haberer, Betty Leonhardt (Funk)
Eric & Evelyn (Karlo) Heilman
Final Registrations
Friday Night Reception
Garry Bratland, Graham Wilson, Barb Shackleton, Allan Bratland
Old City Hall
Old Imperial Bank
Old Post Office
Old Train Station
Panorama of Reception