A few words to live by.
Display Table of Class Pictures and Our Home Town
Display of photos, yearbooks, and apparel
Magic Mirror
Magic Mirror
Remembering our Classmates
Cash Bar Humour
A quick pause before they start friday set-up: Laurie Moore Hardy, Garry Bratland, Bonnie Greenwall Ganske
Bill Moore
Doug Barry - just how many more glasses are there?
Busy, busy...note the stack of boxes that Doug Barry tackled.
Maggie & Janet - no time to stop
Sandy & Audry
Sandy & Pat
Pat Peterson Ware on the move
Bill & Myrna check the bar list
Banquet Prep Crew: Sandy Wright, Judi Litzenberger Harper, Kathy Schmidt, Terry Hawkes Morrow, Laurie Moore Hardy, Ev Karlo Heilman
Bar Crew
Betty & Pat - Checking that list again
Attention to every detail
Finishing Touches
Sparkling & Ready
They were a busy team
All Set Up
Ready for the Mob
Waiting for the Grand Entrance of Attendees
Banquet Prep Crew take a long breath at the end of Preparations Complete - Time for Breath: Sandy, Kathy, Terri, Laurie, Ev
Committee Meeting after set-up - exhausted, pleased with the results, and excited to see their classmates