George & Rosie Wuensch
Graham Doel, Linda Hartley, Kristine Sacks, Gerold Haukenfrers
Graham Doel, Linda Shaw, Kirstine Sacks, Susan Rudolph Raines, John Rudolph
Graham Wilson & Barry Fairlie
Harold Maciborski, Garry Bratland, Wayne Hardy
Harold Maciborski
Jack Liebig
Janet Watch
John Gilchrist, Nancy Clarke
Judi Litzenberger Harper, Sharon Marshall Poole, Wendy Bailer Palk, Barb Walker Funk, Esther Ragosin McCulloch
Judith Forth Halland, Bob Krutzfeldt, Linda Shaw
Judith Forth Halland
Judy Kresanowski Moch
Kristine Sacks, Brenda Bussard Curry, Susan Rudolph Raines, john Rudolph
Kristine Sacks, Gerold Haukenfrers
Laurie Moore Hardy, Garry Bratland, Audrey Taje Maciborski
Leslie Pearce Kaun, Marlene Reinsch, Bonnie Ganske, Shirley Ochs Denham
Linda Overn Hartley Kristine Sullivan Sacks, Gerold Haukenfrers
Linda Shaw & Bob Wilkes
Linda Shaw, Gerold Haukenfrers Linda Forth Halland
Linda Shaw, Muriel Heinz Darvil, Emmie Haberer, Linda Crenshaw Manning
Marlene Reinsch Keanie, Gerold Haukenfrers, Bonnie Greenwall Ganske.
Merrill Lund and Linda Weikman Lund
Nancy Clarke, Brad Rix, Linda Shaw
Pat Godkin, Garth Rudolph, Mike Goin, Bill Moore
Paul Wagar & Terry Dageforde Hesselden
Peggy Bauer Larson and Jim Larson,
2023 Reunion Committee
Richard & Star Siler
Richard Piche, Louise Dux, John Warnke
Sandy Kirstein Wright & Doug Nelson
Sandy Wright & Maggie Gibson